Since artificial intelligence is huge, the list of programming languages ​​used to work with AI is also huge. Still, some work better than others depending on the use case.

Here are some of the most common and most suitable languages ​​for AI:


Object-Oriented Programming Language (OOP) Python is by far the most popular language for AI. Most developers use Python simply because of its ease of use, readability, and how straightforward it is. In addition, many libraries already have built in artificial intelligence algorithms that programmers can easily import into their code.

R (Statistical programming language, the simplest syntax that is very similar to English)

R is also a remarkable choice for data science and machine learning. As a statistically-oriented programming language, it excels at analyzing and manipulating data. R is also often used in data visualization and can create great looking publication plots.

Java (known for their awesome graphical user interface, GUI)

Remember that language you learned in your high school CS class? That's right, you can use it for AI development too. Because of its ease of use, debugging capabilities, and packages that optimize the Java UI, it's no wonder why Java is another popular language for AI.

Lisp (on the old end, invented by John McCarthy)

Created by John McCarthy, the father of AI, it is the oldest and most suitable language for AI development. It is capable of processing symbolic information which can prove useful in many situations. It's also easy to use and great for prototyping. While it is a good language, there are other languages ​​that are more efficient to choose from.

other languages

While I mentioned 4 of the most popular languages, there are others that you can use for AI, however, I will not go into depth, as their main purpose is usually not for AI.

  • c++
  • SASS
  • Javascript
  • matlab/octave
  • Julia 

Now, you might be thinking, "Man, that sounds cool and all, but why should I care about that?"

For starters, the AI ​​and Data Science field is growing at an exponential rate as it is a very rewarding career path for many people. The average salary for an AI developer ranges from $100,000 USD to $150,000 USD (about $200,000 in CAD)! This is a huge contributing factor to why so many people are interested in learning about it. Around 15-20% of jobs in the biggest companies are covered by AI, which makes it very easy to get a job. At a time where job sustainability is at an all-time low and where up to 800 million jobs could be lost due to AI by 2030, it's a good game. Furthermore, in 2016, the global market value for AI was only $4 billion, but by 2025, it is expected to be $169 billion! This is seriously rapid development.

We also create and generate 2.5 quintals of bytes of data every day. That amount of data is insane. Imagine if we humans for example needed to manually tag and label every single photo on Facebook. By the time someone has successfully tagged 100 photos, they'll have millions if not thousands more. This is where AI excels, as its strength lies in its ability to analyze astronomical amounts of data and find correlations in a matter of seconds.

Other applications in various fields have already been mentioned and with all of them, it should be clear how influential and important AI will be in our daily lives and in the years to come.